So many things have been going on the past few months, that there has been barely time to post here. Over the next few days things will be winding down. The spring semester at school will finish up next week and my participation in the Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge will end on Monday. I still have many other projects on my plate, but it seems that we may finally be finding our rhythm here at home. With that done, we have many things to be excited about these days. This package arrived on Thursday. Of course we had to dive in right away and look through every single book in this box. Next years homeschool package. It will be her first official year at home and she can't wait to dive in.

After looking through everything, she begged to be able to read one book. What's a mom to do. I let her, and she ended up awake until 2am trying to finish the book. She didn't quite make it. That's okay, we have a whole year ahead of us.

She also found this little guy at dad's new place and has become very attached to taking care of him. I never new that toads "chirped" until I met this little guy. It's has been fun seen the excitement of learning come back to her since she's been home.
My older daughter loves school and so we have set about getting her registered and ready to move on to junior high next year. They have such opposite personalities.
I hope to be back and blogging regularly here. I've missed sharing our adventures.