Raising Jane Journal

Monday, May 21, 2012

Warm Weather Days

Warm weather has finally arrived here and the plants are all in full bloom. I've actually been taking pictures of the sage in the front for the past week in the hopes of posting my story with sage, but life is full these days and I just can't seem to find as much computer time as I would like. Ah well, I'm enjoying the time outdoors. That sage is three years old now and this will be it's first year in bloom. The first year I picked it up as a little plant at my local farmers market. Right before the frost hit that year I chopped the whole thing down to the root. Who knew it was not an annual. It was fun though to dry all the leaves and have a cupboard full of sage. I have to admit here that as much as I dream of producing all my own fruits and veggies and herbs, I don't exactly have a green thumb. So imagine my suprise the following summer when new leaves appeared at the base of the plant. Lesson learned! So this past fall I just let it go and was amazed out quickly it moved into action this spring. Yet again I was very surprised to see the flower buds appearing a few weeks ago. While I am aware that you need to pick your herbs before they flower, I decided to just let it go this year. She is such a beauty in the yard right now. I sometimes thing I should do some reading up on sage, but it has actually been kind of fun just finding things out about this plant as I go along.

And my beauties. Planted right out along the front of the house. In full bloom right now, the smell is absolutely amazing. I can smell them as a come up the drive.

Moses here is almost 6 months now and had decided he's an outdoor cat. I don't mind though. He stays in the yard and keeps me company while I take care of the outside work. He has such a personality I can't help but laugh at him most days.
I'm finally settling in to my roll as single, working, homeschooling mom managing an auto-immune disease. It has it's ups and downs but I think we are doing fairly well. I posted about the new CSA season over here and look forward to what the season has to offer. I hope to start posting regularly now that we are settling into our new lives at home.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Last Few Days

Twice a month my local library holds "Knitter's Night". I don't always make it, but I try to get there as much as possible. I've been teaching my neighbor to crochet and she has been working diligently to just get the stitches down. So on Tuesday night, we both headed on over to the library. The project above got stitched up and made into a pretty bag to carry her supplies in. The edges are uneven so the bag was a perfect idea. I am so proud of her first project. Now for the handle.

In other news, this little (or not so little) guy had decided to build his home in the bush out in front of where I work. Everyday as I come in and out, I find him wondering around the yard. Yesterday, he decided to have his lunch right outside of the front door. It was pretty cute to watch him munching on dandelion flowers. It's pretty nice when the office building backs up to a forest and is across the street from a farm field.

Well another semester at the local college is over. I spent the rest of the day finalizing papers. It will be nice to have a break for a few weeks until the summer semester starts. Now off to the garden to get the sorely neglected garden beds ready for planting next week.