Friday, January 6, 2012

Granny a Day Update

So after much research and several failed attempts, I think I finally have this granny square thing down. Nothing like a you tube video to get you up and going. I spent the rest of the afternoon whipping up these 6 squares so that I would be caught up from the first of the year. I decided to use yarn that I had in stock. I love the colors of this yarn. Not sure I love them in a granny square. With 360 days left to go, I am going to let this one flow and see what comes of it. You never know what unexpected beauty might be on the horizon. To get in on the fun just click on the Granny a Day button in the sidebar.


  1. Yes, unexpected beauty for sure! I think the colors are pretty cool. They look good to me : )

  2. I love the colors of the yarn! What brand/color is it? I'd love to get some for myself!

  3. Thank you. It is red heart yarn and the name of the color is Fall.
