Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Settling In

Well I have spent the last week doing some self check to make sure that all of the things on my plate are serving me. It been a refreshing week of weeding out some old items and ideas and planning some new projects. I have a lot to look forward to in the next few months but for now I am settling in to my days. The friendship starter is really going strong. I feed it every fifth day with 1 cup of milk, sugar and spelt flour. It is bubbling like crazy these days and is getting a lot of use. Today we made a batch of friendship cornbread....
It smells absolutely amazing. What I like about the friendship starter is that the recipes require no additional sugar. In other news I will be shipping out this special package tomorrow...
I joined a tea cup exchange this month and have spent the last few weeks searching through thrift shops for the perfect combination. I fell in love with this design and I hope the recipient will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed searching for it.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice choice indeed! I love tea cups! Blessings! Nana Shirl
